Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's about time right? =) I had my 4th weigh in today and lost 4 lbs which brings my total weight loss to 26 lbs. Pretty proud of myself! Each day I have to get up and work as hard as I can and I'm definatly seeing the results. I have noticed that every part of my body is getting smaller and that I'm able to do a lot more than when I first got here. Every couple of days I'm able to increase my running speed on the treadmill, I am able to do more push ups, I used to have to do a plank on my hands and knees but now I can do it on my hands and toes, my flexibility is improving and I  was able to do 8 full sit ups in a row! I did have a 105 lb. trainer standing on my toes but I did it! Yesterday I ran at 4.5 mph for 5 min at incline 1 which I have never done before. It was super hard and I wanted to slam the emergency stop button but I'm so glad that I didn't. I keep learning more about myself and how capable and amazing I really am. I have said before that it is exhausting in all aspects and the other day it was especially hard. It was in the morning just after breakfast and a bit before the first class started. I was feeling down and not knowing what to do with myself I jumped on the treadmill and started walking. The second song that came on my ipod was Finish Line by Train and that got me crying. One of the trainers, Marco, saw me and came over. I told him that I was giving my all in all of my classes but it sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough. He then told me that he and all of the other trainers have noticed that I work my really hard and don't take short cuts. He also said that if he could pick the top 5 hardest workers at the place that I would definitely be in the top 5 but then he only named 2 other people. He is the boxing trainer and loves it when I'm in his class because I bring a certain energy to the class that makes people want to work. It is good to hear those words of encouragement and I really needed them that morning. Everyone has a coach who is also a trainer that checks in with you each day to make sure everything is going well and if you need anything. Schuyler is my coach and is considered one of the more "though" trainers here. When ever I think that I'm not doing very well I talk to him and tells me that I'm always "killing it" and that I'm one person that he never has to worry about not working hard because I always am. So again it is always good to get that feedback.

Today it rained here all day and finished at about 5 pm. I enjoyed it but there were a bunch of people that didn't. Some were putting on sweatshirts and raincoats to go to another door that was 100 yards away. I'm thinking, your already wet from all of that sweat and your worried about a little rain? Strange people.

I am enjoying my time here and learning a lot. I love to be out in the sun in between classes and I'm making lots of new friends. I have only two weeks left! At times it seems so short but other times it seems like it will never come. But I know that it will be bittersweet when I leave. I will be posting some new pictures then because I'm lookin good! =)


  1. 26lbs! That is amazing! Go you! I bet your looking hot!

  2. I'm glad I stumbled on this from facebook because it's really inspiring! I'm so impressed with the hard work and dedication you are demonstrating. It's neat to go back and read how you were feeling as you started this experience, knowing that by the fourth weigh-in you'd already have achieved so much. Keep up the fight! It's a true struggle, but you are showing day in and day out what you are made of.

  3. you are such an inspiration!! way to keep it up, girl! can't wait to see the pics

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  5. You are amazing!! I can't believe you have only a little over a week left, that is crazy. Keep it up! Love you!

  6. That's so awesome! You are doing so well! Keep up the good work =)
